Exploring Animation Principles in Maya 2011 Follow-through and Overlapping
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- 7. Finishing our Overlap rig by adding an FK mode.flv83.95 MB
- 2. Understanding Follow-through and Overlapping.flv72.88 MB
- 6. Dynamic Follow-through with Real-time Simulation.flv62.8 MB
- 5. Tweaking hair settings for better Follow-through and Overlap.flv51.61 MB
- 4. Automating Follow-through and Overlapping.flv40.07 MB
- 3. Follow-through and Overlapping in a heavy mass.flv27.21 MB
- 8. Cleaning up our Overlap rig.flv26.19 MB
- project_files.zip10.19 MB
- 1. Introduction and Project Overview.flv7 MB