Digital Tutors - Multi-channel Compositing in Nuke
种子大小:358.48 MB
磁力链接 蜘蛛资源 磁力引擎 网盘资源 影视资源 云盘资源 磁力狗狗 免费小说 美女图片文件列表:15File
- 13. Using a Grade to match the background white and black.avi34.96 MB
- 09. Merging the Mustang with the backdrop.avi34.3 MB
- 07. Organizing our Node Tree with Backdrop and Dot nodes.avi31.64 MB
- 11. Adding a Lightwrap to ground the Mustang.avi29.62 MB
- 14. Evaluating our composite and tweaking certain areas.avi29.42 MB
- 04. Color Correcting Specific Channels to fix issues.avi28.54 MB
- 03. Merging using Channels - Indirect Lighting, Reflection.avi28.06 MB
- 08. Adding the refraction and shadow channels.avi27.41 MB
- 12. Using an Erode to fix the black outline.avi27 MB
- 10. Combining Alpha Channels to add the Shadow Alpha.avi22.24 MB
- 06. Using Bezier Nodes to Mask the Hue Shift.avi21.31 MB
- 05. Using Hue Shift to change the color of the car.avi20.28 MB
- 02. Overview of Channels and the EXR file.avi11.25 MB
- 01. Introduction and Project Overview.avi10.42 MB
- project_files.zip2.04 MB