Digital Tutors - Infiltrator Production Pipeline Volume 7 Compositing
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磁力链接 蜘蛛资源 磁力引擎 网盘资源 影视资源 云盘资源 磁力狗狗 免费小说 美女图片文件列表:37File
- project_files.zip957 MB
- 24. Finishing the garbage mask animation for our wall.flv50.36 MB
- 36. Rendering our final shot.flv47.64 MB
- 10. Fixing blown out pixels and using alpha tools to fix edge issues.flv44.26 MB
- 12. Using Streams to effect multiple layers with a single tool.flv44.26 MB
- 9. Adding Depth of Field blur using the modulation tab.flv40.98 MB
- 22. Preview rendering and using Intermediate Results for speed.flv40.15 MB
- 26. Adding chromatic aberration to our composite.flv37.55 MB
- 30. Showing the spider break the camera - Lens Distort.flv36.77 MB
- 35. Using Haloes to create an appealing lighting effect.flv36.31 MB
- 21. Blurring and graining the spider subtly for increased realism.flv35.43 MB
- 29. Color correcting and Vignetteing our composition.flv35.1 MB
- 23. Fixing a wall issue with an animated garbage matte.flv34.77 MB
- 27. Creating a lens flare using the Lens Blur tool and animation.flv34.15 MB
- 25. Color correcting our foreground to match the wall better.flv33.46 MB
- 8. Formatting our Depth pass to work with a blur node.flv33.08 MB
- 15. Beginning to fix the wall with a diamond keyer.flv32.58 MB
- 17. Using a Color Curves for spill suppression of the green hue.flv31.96 MB
- 13. Fixing the background blur tool and input images for clean edges.flv31.96 MB
- 7. Darkening our background with our AO and shadows.flv30.04 MB
- 20. Using our RGBA Matte to color correct parts of the spider.flv29.27 MB
- 34. Using Flares to add light streaks to our composition.flv27.56 MB
- 16. Compositing the cut-out wall over black and blurring the edge.flv27.52 MB
- 28. Adding other filters to finish our lens flare effect.flv26.61 MB
- 4. Adding our shadows and ambient occlusion using CC_basics.flv26.38 MB
- 18. Fixing small areas of our wall by modifying our key.flv25.66 MB
- 32. Pinching our composition to begin transitioning out.flv24.96 MB
- 6. Lightwraping our foreground using a macro preset.flv24.24 MB
- 33. Using a Lens Blur to blow-out and blur our image.flv24.01 MB
- 5. Compositing our colors layers and gamma shifting.flv23.99 MB
- 19. Animating the blending of the spider for a darker start.flv23.82 MB
- 14. Adjusting the wall AO and shadow for more realistic results.flv22.87 MB
- 31. Color correcting our spider to show it gathering energy.flv22.05 MB
- 11. Adding motion blur using our 2d motion vector pass.flv21.55 MB
- 3. Using a Display Pass Through to see the correct gamma.flv21.35 MB
- 2. Importing our images into Composite.flv21.15 MB
- 1. Introduction and Project Overview.flv8.8 MB