Digital Tutors - Using ICE to create a Holographic Display in Softimage
种子大小:1.75 GB
磁力链接 蜘蛛资源 磁力引擎 网盘资源 影视资源 云盘资源 磁力狗狗 免费小说 美女图片文件列表:17File
- ProjectFiles.rar440.87 MB
- 07. Creating a core explosion.mp4156.33 MB
- 05. Spawning particle trails.mp4115.28 MB
- 08. Adding movement to the core explosion.mp4106.25 MB
- 11. Caching the ICE particles.mp499.06 MB
- 14. Adjusting the simulation parameters of FumeFX.mp495.15 MB
- 06. Finalizing our particle trails.mp490.28 MB
- 13. Starting the FumeFX smoke effect.mp482.98 MB
- 09. Generating a radial explosion.mp480.74 MB
- 03. Transforming particles into light trails using strands.mp479.56 MB
- 04. Emitting a master particle for our trail.mp477.19 MB
- 10. Modifying the velocity of the radial explosion.mp476.86 MB
- 12. Setting up our 3ds Max scene.mp476.21 MB
- 02. Creating a basic particle emission.mp471.29 MB
- 15. Rendering the smoke.mp466.05 MB
- 16. Reviewing the compositing of our project.mp465.77 MB
- 01. Introduction and project overview.mp49.13 MB