Digital Tutors Methods for Painting Realistic Skin Tones
种子大小:767.3 MB
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- Project Files.rar188.36 MB
- 06.Painting the eyes.flv64.8 MB
- 04.Blocking in shadows and blending.flv60.83 MB
- 12.Final details.flv58.38 MB
- 11.Continuing to refine.flv55.44 MB
- 03.Mixing the mid-tones.flv54.32 MB
- 08.Painting the nose.flv52.62 MB
- 09.Painting the lips.flv51.83 MB
- 05.Adding warm tones and highlights.flv48.36 MB
- 10.Refining overall details, colors, and values.flv45.35 MB
- 02.Mixing the base tone.flv40.4 MB
- 07.Painting the ear.flv35.72 MB
- 01.Introduction and project overview.flv10.87 MB