Digital Tutors - Compositing a Futuristic Street Scene in NUKEX
种子大小:2.26 GB
磁力链接 蜘蛛资源 磁力引擎 网盘资源 影视资源 云盘资源 磁力狗狗 免费小说 美女图片文件列表:15File
- Project_Files.rar1.5 GB
- 09_Integrating_the_robots_into_the_scene.mp4100.43 MB
- 08_Creating_our_glowing_lights.mp4100.13 MB
- 10_Finishing_the_integration_of_the_robots.mp496.88 MB
- 11_Creating_a_sign_using_NUKE_3D.mp467.07 MB
- 12_Creating_lens_flares.mp463.37 MB
- 14_Color_correcting_and_finalizing_the_shot.mp460.4 MB
- 13_Adding_lens_effects_to_the_shot.mp459.83 MB
- 06.Adding trees in the background.flv49.41 MB
- 07.Placing our TVs on the buildings.flv44.46 MB
- 03.Refining our track and placing geometry.flv41.16 MB
- 05.Creating our set extension.flv36.11 MB
- 04.Masking out the background using NUKE 3D.flv31.81 MB
- 02.Tracking the shot.flv23.47 MB
- 01.Introduction and project overview.flv6.93 MB